1. Carol Juul, LCSW is a private practice therapist in Eugene, Oregon. Ms. Juul acquired clinical licensure in 2000, following a 10-year radio broadcasting career and as a narrator for Talking Books for the Blind. Her work with traumatized clients spans the spectrum of assessing abused children in the desert of Joshua Tree, California in the late 1990s, to treating combat-traumatized military personnel and their families at the Top Gun Naval Air Station in Fallon, Nevada. 

    Ms. Juul specializes in treating anxiety and trauma in adults and children, to include those who have experienced sexual, physical, emotional, and combat trauma, and/or who exhibit symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Ms. Juul also has a significant background, interest, and expertise in treating grief with adults, adolescents and children.           

Ms. Juul uses an eclectic approach. She tailors treatment to the individual, incorporating CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,) CPT (Cognitive Processing Therapy), and insight oriented therapy, augmented by hypnosis, guided imagery, and relaxation techniques in her work. She is a certified member of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis. Her professional training includes past-life regression therapy with Dr. Brian Weiss, MD, an alternative therapy offered to those who are interested in this experience.

A Summa Cum Laude graduate from Campbell University with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Ms. Juul received her Master’s degree in Social Work Phi Kappa Phi from Western Michigan University.  Ms. Juul served a six-year tenure at Rural Clinics in Fallon, Nevada and went on to expand her private practice there, serving the Top Gun Naval Air Station military community as well as the rural community of Fallon until 2014. Ms. Juul is in private practice in Eugene, Oregon, a college community with a rich and diverse cultural population with which she is currently engaged.

Ms. Juul enjoys presenting seminars in her area of expertise, in part because the process nourishes her own insatiable curiosity.


Into the Magic Shop: Treating Trauma through Curiosity and Mystical Wisdom July 15, 2024         https://mahec.net/home/event/73151

Into the Magic Shop: a journey into the power of the mystical to instill curiosity, enrich the therapeutic relationship and treat trauma, enhanced by hypnosis. Virtual Seminar presented at the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis Conference; ERF Annual Scientific.

“A Fire To Be Kindled: Healing Trauma With Hypnosis.” Virtual Seminar presented at the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis Conference; ERF Annual Scientific.

Myth, Magic and Imagination: A Multi Cultural Approach to Healing Trauma.” Seminar presentations include: Mountain Area Health Education Center, Asheville, North Carolina, Reno,  Nevada,  and the Creativity and Madness Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

“Treating Traumatized Children.” Seminar presentations include: NASW conferences in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada,  MAHEC – Mountain Area Health Education Center, Asheville, North Carolina, Utah State University, Logan, Utah,  Eugene, Oregon and the Creativity and Madness Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico.